Current Issue

photo of farm worker

For Farmworkers Struggling for a Just Wage

A Prayer for People 2008 by Francisca Cortes   This prayer comes from the book edited by Chris Iosso and Eliz­a­beth Hinson-Hasty, Prayers for the New Social Awak­en­ing: Inspired by the New Social Creed [Louisville: West­min­ster John Knox Press, 2008], … Continue reading

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photo of barbed wire fence with a close-up on a clump of hair stuck in the barb

All about US

A Poem September 13, 2011 by Ariana Salazar-Newton   The truth is it’s all about US— Our country and the white men on the American bucks. To them it is unintelligible that the borders crossed us; Still we’re the unwelcome … Continue reading

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photo of hand fisted and holding pencil

Action Steps for Economic Justice

Practical Ideas for Taking Action

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Photo of sleeping homeless man with open Bible

Capitalism and Christianity: Compatible Worldviews?

  May 5, 2011 by Rev. Elisa Owen   View arti­cle in PDF (opti­mal for printing)

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