Current Issue

photo of piggy bank and i.o.u. note

Stated Clerk’s Response to Debt-Ceiling Bill

“Programs that serve the common good are bearing the costs” August 3, 2011, Office of the General Assembly, by Sharon Youngs, Communications Coordinator, Louisville Back to Table of Contents

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then and now photos of impoverished children

A Social Creed for the 21st Century

Check out our video: Toward a NEW Social Awakening, The Social Creed   The Social Creed of the Churches, endorsed in 1908 by the Federal Council of Churches, was their pledge to work together for a better, fairer and more … Continue reading

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photo of a construction worker

For Workers

  August 22, 2011 (original 2008) by Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty   This article is an updated version of an essay that appears in the book by Rebecca Todd Peters and Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty (eds.), To Do Justice: A Guide for Progressive Christians … Continue reading

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Timeline: The Presbyterian Church and Labor Rights

1908 It is the beginning of the 20th century. The United States has seen rapid industrialization, urbanization, concentration of wealth, and labor rights issues. In response, an ecumenical gathering adopts the 1908 Social Creed of the Churches. 1950s Presbyterians advocate … Continue reading

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