Current Issue

business people walking to work

Will Corporations Serve—or Exploit—the Human Family?

  August 2011 (original, 2003) by John B. Cobb Jr. and Progressive Christians Uniting   This article is an abridged version of the essay that appears in the book by the Reflection Committee of Progressive Christians Uniting, Progressive Christians Speak: … Continue reading

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Living through Economic Crisis: The Church’s Witness in Troubled Times

View arti­cle in PDF (opti­mal for printing) A Social Involvement Report for the 219th General Assembly (2010) Executive Summary In a time of continuing/deep economic recession, our faith gives us strength to face unemployment, poverty, and anxiety—not simply as individuals, … Continue reading

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A Walk on the Economic Side, Looking for Power

Managing Editor’s Corner August 19, 2011 by Patrick David Heery   Back to Table of Contents

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