
Keeping Our Lamps Burning

Faith in a Time of Climate Peril Within a song or hymn, one can often find insights into how to cope with setbacks and hardships. The old African-American spiritual “Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning” presents a dim reality: a … Continue reading

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Casting Out Our Pride

Confrontation and Confession in Charlottesville The events in Charlottesville this weekend remind me how dangerous it can be to be proud of your identity. In the midst of that ultimately violent confrontation, I was proud to see Presbyterian clergy among … Continue reading

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In Praise of Summer Camp

In Praise of Summer Camp

The journey to faith in blue jeans and flip flops  Editor’s Note:  As youth, how do we enter a tradition that values the common good? What culture of inquiry, based in trust, leads to a sense of responsibility that goes … Continue reading

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Who Would Be Great

“You know that those who are supposed to rule over the peoples lord it over them. . . but it should not be so among you. For whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would … Continue reading

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