Christian Education

Advent Justice Reflections (Year C)

This resource for worship or study is freely available for use and adaptation. Please remember to give us a shoutout! A Printing-friendly pdf of these reflections is available HERE (7 two-sided pages).  Note from the Editors Though Advent is a season … Continue reading

Posted in Carousel, Christian Education, Editor Henry Koenig Stone, Resources, Worship | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Climate and Church: How Global Climate Change Will Impact Core Church Ministries

The following resource is an excerpt from the complete Climate and Church resource, a product of the National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program – now Creation Justice Ministries. Though many understand the devastating impacts that climate change will have on … Continue reading

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General Assembly Policy Relevant to the Government Shutdown

General Assembly Policy Relevant to the Government Shutdown

The following is a supplement to an editorial by Chris Iosso regarding the October 2013 government shutdown. It is meant to be a thorough and representative (but by no means comprehensive!) compilation of PC(USA) social witness policy relevant to the … Continue reading

Posted in Blogs, Christian Education, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound, Resources | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

War and Peace

(An Occasional Series.)  Why We Look Backward as We Move Forward. Unbound is an ecumenical e-journal offering analysis, practical resources, interactive conversation, and action items for issues of justice and Christian conscience. Begun in 2011, it may not seem to have … Continue reading

Posted in Carousel, Christian Education, Current Issue, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound, Featured Congregations and Organizations, Resources | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment