Christian Education

Short Takes on Peace

Our hearts ache with the daily news: shootings; rape; human trafficking; torture; veterans with PTSD, children who are hungry. Our minds struggle to understand: drones?  hundreds of US military bases?  millions of refugees?  nation building? privatization of water?  a war against … Continue reading

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Our Citizenship is in Heaven

by Melissa Garrett Davis The following article is the first in a series, Tracking the Immigration Debate. This week we are cross-posting with our partner site,  Melissa Davis is co-manager of the Office of Immigration Issues of the Presbyterian … Continue reading

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sara benedetti

Arts & Spirituality Curriculum

12 Weeks of Exploring and Meditating on Scripture through Art By Sara Benedetti   Download a PDF of the curriculum.   We worship a God that is a Creative God. We only need to look at the world and people … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Carousel, Christian Education, Music, Art, Poetry, and Photos, Resources, Seminary Students Unbound, Worship | Tagged , | 1 Comment


The following are resources for exploring environmental spirituality and care for God’s creation. Congregations and faith leaders, be sure to note the worship resources. This eco-resource list is one way we can continue the conversation and learning begun in the … Continue reading

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