Videos & Podcasts

Videos & Podcasts

solar panels - capitol heights

VIDEO: Church Adds Solar Panels

Capitol Heights Presbyterian Church, since its beginnings in 1896, has concerned itself with the social impact of living the Gospel of God. It has hosted local politicians of the City of Denver for dialogue, engaged in Sanctuary for Central American … Continue reading

Posted in Current Issue, Featured Congregations and Organizations, Video, Videos & Podcasts | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments
tale of two holidays

A Tale of Two Holidays

A Tale of Two Holidays from Coalition of Immokalee Workers on Vimeo. SIGN THE CHANGE.ORG PETITION: Ask Publix CEO Ed Crenshaw to ensure that his company “be part of a proven model to address the root cause of farmworker poverty … Continue reading

Posted in Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound, Fast for Fair Food, Video, Videos & Podcasts | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment
flash mob

‘Without You’ Flash Mob of Presbyterians

Last Friday, various staff members of the Presbyterian Mission Agency decided to surprise everyone on Staff Development Day with a flash mob! Just about two weeks prior, Abbi Heimach (who works with the Young Adult Catalyst office and has been … Continue reading

Posted in Action News, Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound, Former Editor Patrick Heery Unbound, Music, Music, Art, Poetry, and Photos, Video, Videos & Podcasts | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment
photo of J. Herbert Nelson

Healing a Flawed Electoral System

Chris­t­ian Respon­si­bil­ity and Lessons from 2012 Healing A Flawed Electoral System from ACSWP on Vimeo. Video Produced by: the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy About: “Healing a Flawed Electoral System: Christian Responsibility and Lessons from 2012” is a 17+ … Continue reading

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