Videos & Podcasts

Videos & Podcasts

rehabilitation through the arts performance

The Unofficial House Band of Sing Sing Prison

In 1996, Rehabilitation Through The Arts (RTA) was the dream of a few men in Sing Sing Correctional Facility who wanted to write and produce a play and needed help putting it all together. It was a play about subjects they … Continue reading

Posted in Action News, Featured Congregations and Organizations, Former Editor Patrick Heery Unbound, Music, Music, Art, Poetry, and Photos, Video, Videos & Podcasts | Tagged , , | Leave a comment
Hope Village volunteers

Hope Village: Volunteers Needed for Flood Recovery

A New Ecumenical, Cooperative Model for Disaster Response Last June, 2011, the Souris River overflowed its banks, destroying or extensively damaging more than 4,100 homes in Minot, North Dakota. A recent survey of displaced residents found fewer than 18 percent … Continue reading

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photo of a microphone

All About US & Other Poems (video)

  Unbound is proud to bring you the spoken word of Ariana Salazar-Newton, a third generation Mexican-American and seminary student, talking about race, gender, sexuality, and class. All About US: An Immigration Poem During Economic Crisis Read Ariana’s poem originally … Continue reading

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relief services

Faithful Citizen: Web-Based Curriculum

Acting Responsibly in a Global Society Faithful Citizen is an Internet-based small group study which explores two poles of current life—individualism and the common good—and how to respond faithfully to the interlocking global challenges of economics, ecology, security, and health. … Continue reading

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