Videos & Podcasts

Videos & Podcasts

photo of civil rights leaders, including Dr. King, meeting with Lyndon Johnson

Why I Am Still a Christian

By Gary Dorrien   (The following is an autobiographical reflection from social ethicist, Gary Dorrien, also appearing in “On Living Faith” series offered by Odyssey Networks, and previewed by Unbound on Looking back to the Civil Rights Movement and … Continue reading

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AIDS ribbon graphic

Video: The Changing Face of HIV/AIDS

A new video by the Presbyterian AIDS Network (PAN) In the United States, the face of HIV and AIDS has changed dramatically in the 30 years since the start of the pandemic. Communities are living with increased rates of infection … Continue reading

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photo of a candle

National Transgender Day of Remembrance

Good Christian Folks, Like Us November 18, 2011, by Patrick David Heery, an editorial They Have Names Shelley Hilliard was 19 years old when she was murdered on October 23, 2011 in Detroit, Michigan. Her mother had to identify what … Continue reading

Posted in Action Alerts, Blogs, Former Editor Patrick Heery Unbound, Video, Videos & Podcasts | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments
photo of rich lang at occupy movement

Pastor Pepper-Sprayed in Seattle

Rev. Rich Lang, a United Methodist campus minister at the University of Washington, was pepper-sprayed by police while participating in the Occupy Movement in Seattle. Below are his words in response. Immediately below are videos of the pepper-spraying and the … Continue reading

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