“Lift Every Voice: Racism, Class, and Power”: Advocacy Training Weekend 2016

April 15-18, 2016 in Washington, DC

Advocacy Training Weekend


In our neighborhoods and around the world, social, economic, corporate, and political powers are working to reduce citizens’ access to decision-making. These practices violate the rights and silence the voices of those most affected by these decisions and severely hamper the ability of all citizens to determine the best policies for our communities and nations. As Christians, God calls us to lift up all voices so that we the people might regain influence in the policies that affect our nation and our world. Come to Advocacy Training Weekend April 15-18 and lift up your voice for transparent and participatory government at home and abroad.

Rev. Dr. Mark A. Lomax

Rev. Dr. Mark A. Lomax

At Compassion Peace and Justice Training Day, we will take a look at how Presbyterians are working to address the suppression of political and economic rights of people of color, immigrants, workers, and the poor in our own country and abroad. We will examine how decisions that affect the global economy, our day-to-day life, and the well-being of the entire global community are being made in secret with little or no transparency or accountability. Hear from Presbyterian pastor Rev. Dr. Mark A. Lomax, United Workers Leader Doreen Hicks, Director of the Peru Joining Hands Network Conrado Oliviera, representatives from #BlackLivesMatter, immigration advocates, and many more!

Speakers for Compassion Peace and Justice Training Day

Workshops for Compassion Peace and Justice Training Day

Join the ecumenical community for Ecumenical Advocacy Days, beginning the evening of Friday April 15th and culminating with a lobby day on Monday April 18th. Lift up your voice alongside other people of faith as you speak truth to power concerning the suppression of political and economic rights and the corporate undermining of the local voices of ordinary people, in the U.S. and around the world.


General Information

Compassion Peace and Justice Training Day

  • Date: Friday, April 15, 2016
  • Time: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Location: New York Avenue Presbyterian Church (1313 New York Ave. NW, Washington, D.C.)
  • Cost: $75 (CPJ Day, not attending EAD), $55 (CPJ Day, also attending EAD), $30 (CPJ Day, students/youth under 30) (Prices will go up $10 after March 18, 2016)


Ecumenical Advocacy Days

  • Date: Friday, April 15 – Monday, April 18, 2016
  • Time: Begins at 7:00pm  April 15
  • Location: Crystal City Double Tree (300 Army-Navy Drive)
  • Cost: $199 (Early Bird Registration through March 18), $215 (Registration after March 18), $110 (One-day registration)


Hotel Information

A discount rate for both events will be offered at the Double Tree Crystal City. Click here for more information and to book a room.


Read more articles in this issue Call to Confession: Race, White Privilege and the Church!

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