Author: Rob Moore
Date: July 30, 2013

Call for Nominations and Applications for North American Regional Committee

Members of the World Student Christian Federation (NARC) The WSCF North American Regional Committee (NARC) is currently looking to fill out its five (5) vacant positions. We are currently accepting applications from students and recent graduates from both Canada and the US to serve a two-year term in the following positions:

  • Canadian Co-Chair of the Regional Committee.
  • US Co-Chair of the Regional Committee
  • Advocacy and Solidarity Coordinator
  • Women, Gender and Sexuality Coordinator
  • Fundraising Coordinator.

These are all volunteer positions. NARC is the highest decision-making body of the North American Region of the WSCF and constitutes the board of the WSCF-North America. NARC members are responsible for ensuring the ongoing work of the Federation in the North America Region, helping plan events and programming, attending NARC conference calls and in-person meetings, attending the North American Regional Assembly and supporting the North American Regional Secretary in his/her job.Work Area coordinators will be responsible to ensure work implementation related to their position. The North American Regional Committee of the WSCF is responsible:

  1. To provide a forum for the development of a North American Regional identity
  2. To provide leadership and support at the Regional level for work within the Region
  3. To support struggles for justice, liberation, and human fulfillment that are going on within the Region and to interpret these struggles to the churches in North America and to the rest of the WSCF
  4. To serve as a channel of communication among the various student movements in the Region
  5. To provide a means for expressing solidarity with the work of other movements and regions of the WSCF
  6. To initiate projects which involve concerns of member movements in both countries of the Region; Applications will be reviewed by a sub-committee and the selected candidates will be elected by the current NARC.

Nominations/applications should be submitted electronically to WSCF-North America Regional Secretary Luciano Kovacs by September 30, 2013. In addition to the application, please attach an electronic copy of the nominee/applicant’s resume. For more information, do not hesitate to contact WSCF-NA Regional Secretary at above email. The selection process will take the following factors in consideration:

  1. Candidates will be either members of national movements affiliated or associated to the WSCF or have demonstrated willingness to participate in the work of Student Christian Movements in Canada and the USA and in the wider ecumenical community.
  2. Candidates will be members of young adults networks of supporting denominations and church agencies, of co-operating organizations, of Regional projects, of related groups in the Region.
  3. No more than two members of NARC may be 35 years or older and those over 35 must be part-time or full-time student at the time of their election.
  4. Members of the NARC should strive to reflect differing gender identities, sexualities, races/ ethnicities, denominational and geographic backgrounds.

The WSCF-North America is LGBTQ affirming Please, find attache:

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