Author: Patrick David Heery
Date: October 15, 2012
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Our Stories: Coming Out… & Inviting In

A Special October 2012 Series for National Coming Out Week and LGBT History Month
In Partnership with Presbyterian Welcome, laboring for a world where all persons might live into the calling that God has placed in their hearts, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.
Introduction to the Series
The Stories of LGBTQ Candidates for Ordained Ministry
A Testimony to the Beautiful Intricacy of Sexuality
A Critical Analysis of the “Coming Out” Paradigm
Action: Help This Pastor Tell Her Story

2 Responses to Our Stories: Coming Out… & Inviting In

  1. Pingback: Journal Entries for National Coming Out Week | UNO Episcopal Campus Ministry

  2. Pingback: Dreams Not Surrendered | The Plucky Presby

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