Sacred Healing for Grieving Earth-Justice Seekers

Introduction to the Unbound Nov 2012–Jan 2013 issue, “Hope for Eco-Activists: Discovering an Environmental Faith,” from guest content editors Diane Waddell and Sue Smith of Presbyterians for Earth Care.
By Diane Waddell, Moderator of Presbyterians for Earth Care

Presbyterians-for-Earth-CareEarth is on its own formidable cliff… and the risk factors are continuing to grow exponentially.

Those of us in Earth-tending are all too aware of those facts. We are often grieving over the state of our sacred home. It can take a toll on us. Yet in the midst of our grief, we are refreshed by the Spirit and the soil. We are renewed with each new witness who reaches out for Earth-justice.

With that need for refreshment in mind, a few souls gathered together representing Unbound, Environmental Ministries, and Presbyterians for Earth Care. Our hope was to invite other Earth-justice-seekers to lead us on the path of refreshment. We were looking for a hand to grasp as we walk along sacred soil, a prophetic word, source of strength for our internal landscapes…

That hand, that hope, that word, and that strength are here within this issue of Unbound. I am very grateful to those who have contributed their visions of hope and strength in days of grieving. There is much beautiful variety within these submissions; much depth, much soul-sharing. Let us eat and drink of this feast of words. Let the soulfulness within these reflections enrich us as leaders… that we may become more prophetic, more compassionate, and more passionate in our justice-seeking.

Rich blessings and many thanks to those who have shared in the writing and those of you who are partaking in this feast.

“In the name of the One through and for whom all things have been created, and in whom all things hold together”. Amen.[i]

P.S. Presbyterians for Earth Care (PEC) is a nationwide grassroots network of passionate people of faith who are called to be bold advocates in caring for this sacred Earth. We are an eco-justice network that cares for creation by connecting, equipping, and inspiring others to make creation care a central concern of the church. We invite you to join us in this vital task. Please check out our website at

Check out the Nov 2012–Jan 2013 issue, “Hope for Eco-Activists: Discovering an Environmental Faith

Iosso and Hinson-Hasty, Prayers for the New Social Awakening, “For the Earth and Her Creatures”, pg. 143. (Westminster John Knox Press. 2008)


diane waddell

Diane Waddell serves as Presbyterians for Earth Care and is a member of the Presbyterian Hunger Program Advisory Committee. She is past moderator of Heartland Presbytery where she continues to chair Heartland’s Earthcare advocacy committee. By profession, she is a nurse practitioner in the area of integrative medicine, working toward healthcare and lifestyle which is more sustainable. Her passions include social and environmental justice-seeking. She lives in St. Joseph, MO. 

One Response to Sacred Healing for Grieving Earth-Justice Seekers

  1. Kristen says:

    Granted, the earth is facing peril and uncertainty at the moment…but we must never forget that there is good work happening…and we must also take the time to enjoy the riches that the world has– while fighting for what’s right and just.

    It reminds me of this video I recently came across– it’s a cute little song about how Jesus and his followers actually Occupy Jerusalem.

    Anyways, here it is:

    Which, it has a point. Clever ‘modern’ way to think of the roots of Christianity and its effect on humanity.

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