Strategies and Solutions

Seeds of Hope for the Future of Education

Dave Brown CarouselThe Prime Time Parade: Walking the Church/School Boundary, Rev. Dave Brown

“Prime Time is a religion-free zone so that it affirms the separation of church and state and so that it embodies Jesus’ teaching to love our neighbors.” Read Article

Ferguson family picHer Voice Matters: Women’s Colleges and Female Empowerment, Carol Ferguson

“Women don’t keep quiet because we are dumb, or because we don’t care. Women keep quiet because we have been taught that our voices are taking up somebody else’s space.” Read Article

Scott Rossiter CarouselTaking Back Our Education: The Rising Cost of College Tuition, Scott Rossiter

“The reality today is that many students work full-time jobs while enrolled as full-time students and still can’t earn enough to pay tuition without going into debt.” Read Article


Sharde Chapman CarouselPaying Rent Through Service: Freedom Schools with the Children’s Defense Fund, Sharde’ Chapman

“Many students who come to us do not like reading because they find it hard to connect the stories and characters in the books they are assigned to their own lives and experiences.” Read Article


Laura Bryan CarouselPromoting Education for a Lifetime of Discipleship: Financial Aid for Service, Laura Bryan

“Financial Aid for Service is committed to need-based aid for several reasons. We have to make decisions based on our deepest values. Amelioration of poverty is a priority for Presbyterian ministries, and Financial Aid is no exception.” Read Article


Menaul CarouselNot Confined to the Margins: Presbyterian Racial Ethnic Schools and Colleges, Kristena Morse

“For more than one hundred years, racial ethnic schools and colleges have provided quality education to those who may otherwise find themselves pushed to the margins or slipping through the cracks.” Read Article


Kirk CarouselEducating for Values, Not Doctrine: The Kirk School, Rev. Lindsey Carnes and Carol Piekaar

“Does intentionality in promoting and practicing Christian values through the education and character development of children adequately respond to Christ’s call to proclaim the gospel? Our congregation thinks so.” Read Article

Blake Collins CarouselTeaching ELL for Mutual Learning, Blake Collins

“Many schools and community centers offer free or low-cost ELL courses. Is a class different when taught at a church? Should it be?” Read Article


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGrowing Parent Power for Change, Interview with Patricia Jelly, O.S.

“The U.S. tends to push immigrants into ghettos. It’s not until the second generation that we really make assimilation possible. And even then, we know that racism is alive and well in our society.” Read Article


Read more articles in this issue: Pedagogy for the Distressed!

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