Struggles and Sacrifices

Broken Places in our Education Systems

Jan Resseger CarouselPublic Schools and the Public Good: The Social Contract We Have ‘Left Behind’, Jan Resseger

“In a democracy, we are responsible, through our elected representatives, for ensuring that our public institutions distribute opportunity to all children, not just to some.” Read Article

Don Campbell CarouselBrown v. Board, The Little Rock Nine, and Presbyterian Public Witness, Rev. Don Campbell

“On the night of the third, Daisy Bates phoned Rev. Dunbar Ogden because he was president of the ministerial alliance. She asked him to round up some ministers to accompany the students to Central High.” Read Article

Christine Darden - ODU-Speaking croppedGrowing up in the South during Brown v. Board, Dr. Christine Darden

“Our teachers at Winchester always told us that we had to work hard. If we wanted to achieve, we were going to have to be ‘better’ than the white kids.” Read Article

Trace Haythorn CarouselEmbracing God’s Tapestry: On Full Inclusion of Children with Disabilities, Rev. Dr. Trace Haythorn

“Genetic diversity and complexity seem to be something God loves, a tapestry woven together that gives us a glimpse of God’s realm. When we segregate people based on any socially constructed category, we tear at that tapestry.” Read Article

Marian Wright EdelmanThe Cradle to Prison Pipeline: America’s New Apartheid, Marian Wright Edelman

“Christians who profess to believe that God entered human history as a poor vulnerable baby, and that each man, woman, and child is created in God’s own image need to act on that faith.” Read Article

tad-hopp CarouselDegrees of Debt: Starting the Conversation at Home, Tad Hopp

“Chalking the plight of the 40 million Americans shackled by student debt up to ‘poor choice’ by individuals sounds a lot like blaming the victims.” Read Article



Read more articles in this issue: A Pedagogy for the Distressed!

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