Just Roots?

Reflecting on Faith with the Millennial Generation


Over a year ago, the editorial staff of Unbound, Presbyterians Today, and Horizons got together to think about how we could work together to lift up the lives, work, and ministry of young adults. Thus was the Young Adult Editorial Team (YAET) – and the idea for this joint issue of three publications – born! The articles in this issue were (with just a few exceptions!) developed, written, edited, and published by young adults, those who make up the “millennial” generation – those born between roughly 1980 and 2000. Walk with us as we explore issues of faith and justice particularly relevant to young adults and ask questions about our roots as people of faith: Who are we, where have we come from, in what are we “rooted,” and what new “routes” will our lives, our church, and our world take as the years go by?

What Are Roots Anyway?
Roots and Family
Roots and “Home”
Roots in Transition
Roots Across Borders
Up-rooting and Re-rooting
New Roots for the Future
Featured Articles from Presbyterians Today and Horizons


Many thanks to John Russell Stanger, KC Kye, Jocelyn Kirk, and Ginna Bairby, the members of the Young Adult Editorial Team that created this issue of Unbound!

Cover Photo: YAV Montage from New Orleans.

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