Author: Ginna Bairby
Date: September 16, 2013
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Trayvon’s Verdict on Us







Summer 2013


Introduction, Chris Iosso
Ready or Not, Larissa Kwong Abazia
A Pastoral Letter, Nancy Benson-Nicol
The Beloved Community, Claudio Carvalhaes
Outrage, Cynthia Joe
For a Longer, Stronger Conversation, Jerrod Lowry

Posts from the Past: Church & Society articles on racial justice.

For stances of the church on racial justice, including the inauguration of the Council on Religion and Race in 1963, see the Social Witness Policy Compilation, a searchable data base of General Assembly statements. These statements are advisory to members and congregations, but direct the agencies of the General Assembly.

Introduction by Chris Iosso
The Witness of a Prophet by  Clarence L. Cave, J. Oscar McCloud and Robert T. Newbold, Jr.
A Calling For a Lifetime by W. Mark Koenig
Do You Know Me? by Patricia G. Brown
Addressing Racism by Otis Turner
If I Speak In The Tounge Of Angels by Arlette Wallace Gordon
Race, Remembrance And The New Charge by Gayraud S. Wilmore and Curtis A. Jones

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