Call for Articles – Race, White Privilege, and the Church

RaceAs our country celebrates 50-year milestones in the Civil Rights movement, black children are being gunned down in the street and armed protestors have occupied a wildlife refuge in Oregon. Politicians are fear-mongering against those who “look Muslim”, and families are being torn apart by detention and deportation of immigrants.

God calls the Church step into this chaos and live as the Body of Christ, and yet 11 AM on Sunday remains the most segregated hour in America. How does the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in particular and the Church in general play into these systems of power and privilege? Where is Church complicit in creating and maintaining the institutions of white privilege? Where is the Church on the forefront of the struggle for racial justice? Where is racism at play within church bodies themselves?

How might the Body of Christ and its individual members confess this racism? In what ways are Christians of color within predominately white denominations confessing and embracing their identity as people created in God’s image?

Unbound is currently seeking articles addressing the questions above and other topics related to race, white privilege, and the Church. We welcome all submissions in the form of an abstract of no more than 200 words.

Send your article proposals to Managing Editor Rev. Ginna Bairby ( by Monday, February 1!


Photo Credit: David Wigger

Photo Credit: David Wigger

Process of Submission (& Statement on Diversity)
For all submissions, please email with the following information:

  • Name, e-mail, phone number, address, organizational and/or religious community association (if any) of the Contributor
  • The phrase “UNBOUND submission” in the subject line
  • Nature of the submission, i.e. Is it an article for the thematic journal or a poetry selection or something else?
  • Written assurance that you are the owner of all copyrights and other intellectual property rights to the material and that the material does not violate or infringe another’s rights, including, but not limited to, privacy, publicity or intellectual property, and that the material does not infringe any other copyrights, is not defamatory and is not a violation of law; and
  • An abstract of no more than 200 words describing the thesis and/or purpose of the submission. The abstract should be located in the body of the message. Attached abstracts with no abstract in the body will not be opened.

At this time, following the tradition of Church & Society, we do not offer compensation for the publication of submissions.

Criteria for Submission
(Click on a category for details.)
Photos and Art
Poetry and Creative Writing
Video and Audio

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