Author: Patrick David Heery
Date: November 14, 2012
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Interview of Managing Editor Patrick Heery

“Leading by Listening”

photo of patrick heeryPresbyterians Today Nov. 2012 “Rethinking Church Leadership” Fast Chat

Last month, the magazine Presbyterians Today sat down with Patrick Heery, managing editor of Unbound, for an interview about young adults, Unbound, and new forms of leadership and ministry. This month, that interview was published in the Nov. issue of the magazine. Asked how the church can better involve young adults, Patrick responded with some very basic advice: listen, give them leadership opportunities, and offer real seats at the table. He went on to say,

But young people are not just sitting on the sidelines, waiting. We are starting our own ministries, utilizing new communication and media tools, forging a greener and more inclusive church defined more by its people than by its walls. The question is whether these new ministries will be given a place in the PC(USA). My presbytery took a chance and ordained me to an unusual ministry. That gives me hope.

Read the entire interview here or download the PDF of the interview. It is shared here with permission from the publisher, Presbyterians Today. Consider subscribing today!

Read Patrick’s reflection on the past year with Unbound, posted on the journal’s one year anniversary.

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