Author: Chris Iosso
Date: December 16, 2016
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Merry Christmas from Unbound!

And a Grateful Farewell to Managing Editor Ginna Bairby

First Presbyterian Taos NM

First Presbyterian Taos NM

Yes, we wish you a Merry Christmas AND happy holidays in general, and we pray for a new year that fulfills wishes and dreams. If you are a reader who frequents our posts and goes from one article to another in our multi-week issues, you know that we editors and authors are very conscious of the church year. Often our articles make note of the liturgical seasons.

We take this time to wish you a Merry culmination-of-Advent with a mixture of feelings this year. It is hard to write as an editorial “we,” in fact, as only the general editor, Chris Iosso, will remain after Friday, December 16, until a new managing editor is found.

This is to say FAREWELL and GODSPEED to Ginna Bairby, who has been our very accomplished and fine editor for 3 years and 4 months. As of the first of the year the position is open for a seminary graduate who is willing to live in Louisville for a 2-3 year period.

We congratulate Ginna, the Rev. Ginna Bairby, who is the pastor-elect of the First Presbyterian Church of Taos, New Mexico. She was unanimously voted in by that congregation after their pulpit nominating committee recommended her and she preached before the full congregation. As a native of Virginia, this will be quite a change of regions! As a person who has fluent Spanish from time as a Young Adult Volunteer in Peru, she is an excellent choice for an area that is inevitably bilingual at times. The Church in Taos, and the Presbytery of Santa Fe, are fortunate to have her ministering in their midst.


We congratulate Ginna, the Rev. Ginna Bairby, who is the pastor-elect of the First Presbyterian Church of Taos, New Mexico.

Ginna has worked not only with Unbound,, but with the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP), which began the online journal to continue the role of print justice journals in the church from 1908—2006. She has worked extensively with the Educate a Child Initiative and other projects of the Compassion, Peace, and Justice Ministries (CPJ) of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, our parent body. Ms. Sara Lisherness, Director of CPJ, was thus one of Ginna’s strong supporters and a strong supporter of Unbound’s continued ministry.

The full title of the position Ginna has held has been “Managing Editor of Unbound and Associate for Young Adult Social Witness. Ms. Lisherness has suggested re-titling the position’s broader responsibilities to be, “Associate for Young Adult Social Justice” ministries. Mr. Tony De La Rosa, Esq., Interim Executive Director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency and the Human Resources office will be determining the final title and posting of the position in the near future.

In the meantime, we pray wisdom and joyful expectation for Ginna and the Taos congregation. She will now join the alumni/ae association of Unbound managing editors, along with her predecessor, Patrick Heery, now serving the First Presbyterian Church of Auburn, NY. Both Ginna and Patrick were ordained to the managing editor position by their presbyteries.

CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS, and Feliz Navidad, and Bon Anno!

Chris Iosso and–  for this last post—Ginna Bairby!

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