Unbound, Guest Director for Ecclesio.com

Unbound and Ecclesio Launch Partnership

photo of hands touchingUnbound is excited to announce that it will be serving as the guest director for Ecclesio.com, a blog-like e-journal publishing “conversations on the current scene through a Gospel lens… conversations which aim to invite thought, engender questions, and provoke response from a wide and diverse group of readers.” This is a particularly exciting development given trends in our culture toward proliferation and dissolution. It is a blessing, in many ways, that we have available to us so many options: denominations, organizations, websites, not-for-profits, etc. But that proliferation can cripple strategy and action (not to mention, simply overwhelm) if not held in tension with an equally powerful trend toward partnership and collaboration. In other words, we have to work together. Unbound‘s campaigns page lists just a few programs and ministries Unbound has identified as partners.

Unbound will serve as the guest director for the weeks of January 16-21, March 12-17, and June 11-15.

During the week of January 16-21, Unbound and Ecclesio will honor Martin Luther King Jr. Day and will provide a preview of our upcoming issue on church in the public square, due to come out at the end of January. Look for articles by social ethicist Gary Dorrien, ACSWP (Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy) Coordinator Chris Iosso, and Princeton seminarian Emily Morgan. Chris Iosso’s article can already be found on Unbound, just posted: “Is the NCC General Secretary’s Job Impossible?” In that editorial, Chris Iosso responds to the impending resignation of National Council of Churches of Christ General Secretary Michael Kinnamon and explores the challenges and opportunities facing the ecumenical movement, including justice (particularly racial justice) issues.

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Cynthia Holder Rich, founder and director of Ecclesio.com, writes, “This site, which takes its name from the same root, explores the life, ministry and witness of the ɛκκλήσια – the assembly of those who are called out, by Jesus, into the world. From the authors and the conversation partners, you may often hear challenges to the witness of the church. There will also be news shared that is not often heard of the ways the church witnesses to Jesus’ love and justice in communities and around the globe. Finally, there will be insight offered about the future life of the ɛκκλήσια, and ways in which the church is changing and may change in days and years to come. We invite you to take part in these conversations, and look forward to dialogue with you.”

Check out the entire schedule for the January-June 2012 season of Ecclesio.com
They have an exciting line up! Themes include the Occupy Movement, “The Irony of Barack Obama,” immigration, incarceration, the Palestine Kairos Document, and the economic teachings of Jesus.

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Banner photo: President Lyndon B. Johnson meets with Civil Rights leaders Martin Luther King Jr., Whitney Young, and James Farmer.

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