Author: Ginna Bairby
Date: April 28, 2016
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‘Unbound’ wins five awards from the Associated Church Press

ACPlogo CarouselThe editorial staff of Unbound is delighted to announce that Unbound took home five awards from this year’s Associated Church Press Awards. 2016 marks the fourth year that Unbound has participated in this competition and the fourth year that we have come home with multiple awards.

Every year, the Associated Church Press (ACP), the oldest Christian press association in North America, invites its member publications, including such prominent magazines as Sojourners, Christian Century, and U.S. Catholic, to convene for shared learning and support opportunities—and to honor and award best practices.

2016 marks the fourth year that Unbound has participated in this competition and the fourth year that we have come home with multiple awards. The publication won four awards in 2012 and three in 2013 (for an interview with mission co-worker Doug Tilton, a personal reflection by Rev. Maurice “Bojangles” Blanchard, and the issue “Trayvon’s Verdict On Us”), and a record-breaking seven awards last year.

As always, we thank all of our contributors and readers for your commitment to responding to the Gospel call to social justice and social witness. You are the ones who make a forum like Unbound possible!

PC(USA) communications publications – including Unbound, Presbyterians Today, Horizons, Presbyterian News Service, and the Office of the General Assembly’s Office of Immigration Issues – took home a total of 19 awards, a number that doesn’t include the 6 awards won by sister publication the Presbyterian Outlook. We at Unbound congratulate all our colleagues – Presbyterian and ecumenical – and rejoice where our brothers and sisters are rejoicing!

Unbound’s winning contributions from 2015 are:

Ben Perry CarouselMuzzling the Word of God: A Response to the Foothills Presbytery Overtures, Benjamin Perry

Award of Excellence (1st place) for the an Editorial or Opinion Piece (News Service/Website/Blog)



Shutterstock Graduation cap“Pedagogy for the Distressed: Thinking About the Mission of Public Education, Spring 2015 Issue

Award of Excellence (1st place) for Best Theme Issue, Section, or Series (News Service/Website/Blog)


Carol Ferguson CarouselHer Voice Matters: Women’s Colleges and Female Empowerment, Carol Ferguson

Won Honorable Mention (3rd place) for 1st Person Personal Account, Long Form (online media)



Christine Darden - ODU-Speaking croppedGrowing Up in the South During Brown v Board, Dr. Christine Darden

Won an Award of Merit (2nd place) for 1st Person Personal Account, Long Form (online media)


noushin carouselBurning Frankincense in Iran, Noushin Framke

Won an Award of Excellence (1st place) for 1st Person Personal Account, Long Form (online media)



For a full list of winners, see the Associated Church Press website. Congratulations again to our wonderful contributors – and thank you to all of you for your support!

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