Author: Ginna Bairby
Date: May 12, 2015
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‘Unbound’ wins seven awards from the Associated Church Press

The editorial staff of Unbound is delighted to announce that Unbound took home a record-breaking seven awards from this year’s Associated Church Press Awards.

Every year, the Associated Church Press (ACP), the oldest Christian press association in North America, invites its member publications, including such prominent magazines as Sojourners, Christian Century, and U.S. Catholic, to convene for shared learning and support opportunities—and to honor and award best practices.

In each of its three years of existence so far, Unbound has taken home multiple awards. The publication won four awards in 2012 and three in 2013, for an interview with mission co-worker Doug Tilton, a personal reflection by Rev. Maurice “Bojangles” Blanchard, and the issue “Trayvon’s Verdict On Us”. In its third year, Unbound is excited to have set a new record for itself with seven awards; and we offer a big ‘Thank you!’ to our insightful, passionate, and socially engaged contributors and readers who make a forum like Unbound possible.

Perhaps the highest honor Unbound received is the Best in Class Award of Merit (2nd place) for an independent religious website. We also won awards for the following pieces:

MarkDavidson CarouselHow Our Church’s Witness for a Just Peace Strengthened Relationships Within the Jewish Community, Rev. Mark Davidson

Won an Award of Merit (2nd place) for the James Solheim Award for Editorial Courage (All media)


GA Carousel“The Road to Detroit”: Issues of Social Justice Before the 221st General Assembly, June 2014 Issue

Won Honorable Mention (3rd place) for Convention and Meeting Coverage (All media)

mouth-taped-shut“Hearing the Voice of People Long Silenced”: Gender Justice 2014, Nov/Dec 2014 Issue

Won Honorable Mention (3rd place) for Best Theme Issue, Section, or Series (News Service/Website/Blog)


Carol Ferguson CarouselCourage to Speak, Carol Ferguson

Won an Award of Excellence (1st place) for 1st Person Personal Account, Short Form (online media)


Mark CarouselA Life of Grace (or Why My Family Lives in an Intentional Community, Mark Van Steenwyk

Won an Award of Excellence (1st place) for 1st Person Personal Account, Long Form (online media)


JaimeJin CarouselWhen the Shoe Doesn’t Fit: Growing Up Asian-American and Adopted in a Southern White Church, Jaime-Jin Lewis

Won Honorable Mention (3rd place) for 1st Person Personal Account, Long Form (online media)


Altogether, Presbyterian journalists won 23 ACP awards. Presbyterians Today took home seven awards, including Best in Class for denominational magazine, and Presbyterian News Service took home another seven, including Best in Class for an online news service. Horizons, Presbyterian Women’s Magazine, took home 2 awards for “Reconciling Paul: A Contemporary Study of 2 Corinthians.” Read more about all the winners in this article from Presbyterian News Service, or find the full list of winners on the ACP’s website.

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