Tag Archives: 2012 Election

Photo of the U.S. Constitution, "we the people"

Transform American Democracy and Transform the World

  What are the critical threats to the ethical and effective functioning of democracy? In response to that question, the Rev. Dr. Chris Iosso wrote “Seven Sins Against Democracy: And What’s Faith Got To Do With It” and then invited … Continue reading

Posted in Editor Chris Iosso Unbound, Journal | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments

Incivility as Social Sin—and the Church’s Faithful Response

  What are the critical threats to the ethical and effective functioning of democracy? In response to that question, the Rev. Dr. Chris Iosso wrote “Seven Sins Against Democracy: And What’s Faith Got To Do With It” and then invited … Continue reading

Posted in Editor Chris Iosso Unbound, Journal | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment
burning american flag

Seven Sins Against Democracy

What’s Faith Got To Do With It? An introduction to the series, “Sins Against Democracy,” drawing together some prominent thinkers and faith leaders to reflect on the threats to the effective and ethical functioning of our democracy in this current … Continue reading

Posted in Action News, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments