Tag Archives: advocacy

Learning from Organizers in New Haven: Interview with Mothers for Justice

Mothers for Justice is a grassroots group that has done work in partnership with Self-Development of People. Ginna: Can you tell me a little bit about who Mothers for Justice (MFJ) is and what you all do? Kimberly Clark: Mothers … Continue reading

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Author Courtney Hoekstra

The Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns: A Prophetic Witness for Gender Justice

I joined the Presbyterian Church (USA) in my early twenties because I saw a denomination that was committed to God’s call to work for justice not in word only but in deed as well. In fact, the PC(USA) has established … Continue reading

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Donna Schaper

Moral Mondays

Rev. Dr. Donna Schaper is Senior Minister at Jud­son Memo­r­ial Church in New York City and author of 30 books, including recently-published Grace at Table: Small Spiritual Solutions to Large Material Problems, Solving Everything.   Since state legislators were taken over … Continue reading

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Faithful Action for Immigration Reform

Sung Yeon Choi-Morrow is a National Organizer for Interfaith Worker Justice. The following article is the third in a series, Tracking the Immigration Debate. This week we are cross-posting with our partner site, ecclesio.com. Movements are not lofty things we … Continue reading

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