Tag Archives: Affordable Care Act

For the Healing of the Nation

As the rollout and implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has begun, issues of health care and health insurance have been topics of much conversation and scrutiny. Who should be covered, what services should be provided, and who should … Continue reading

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Is Healthcare a Human Right?

And If So, What Difference Does It Make? Healthcare is a very good thing for governments to provide, whether or not it is a human right, because it is certainly a basic human good and is necessary for human flourishing. … Continue reading

Posted in Carousel, Current Issue, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound, Journal | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Just Not Enough: A Physician’s Perspective on Justice and the ACA

Justice or Freedom? In the debate over healthcare reform, it comes down to this: do we aim for a system based on justice – equal access through redistribution of funds and regulation of services – or do we continue to … Continue reading

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Author Charles Freeman

Removing the Scarlet ‘C’: A Cancer Patient’s View of Healthcare and the ACA

“I’m sorry to have to tell you that you have cancer of the rectum.” I firmly believe now that such news should be delayed at least until a patient is a little less foggy from anesthesia. It was a good … Continue reading

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