Tag Archives: Belhar Confession

The Time Was Yesterday

White privilege means waking up in the morning with the ability to decide whether or not racism will be a part of your day. Just ask people of color who teach their black sons how to interact with police so … Continue reading

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Racism Across Borders: Belhar, South Africa, and the United States

At the end of 2015, with South Africa’s summer and “festive season” in full swing, a real estate agent from Durban took to social media to complain about the crowded and unkempt state of a local beach. The commentator, a … Continue reading

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Racism in South Africa Remains Alive and the Cause of Much Pain and Anger

Racism, Belhar, and the Church in South Africa South Africa is a deeply wounded society. More than 340 years of racist colonial and apartheid rule impacted the black majority very negatively. During this period, people of colour were not allowed … Continue reading

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The Missional Church: The Church Catholic

I was teaching youth and college Sunday school a few years ago, and we were discussing the Apostles’ Creed, particularly the part where Christians confess belief in the ‘holy and catholic church’. One student spoke up and asked what the … Continue reading

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