Tag Archives: boycott

The Boycott of Wendy’s and Advocating Together for a Proven Model to End Exploitation in Supply Chains

In March 2016, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) called for a consumer boycott of Wendy’s until it joins the Fair Food Program. After having engaged Wendy’s with the CIW for ten years, the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board voted denominational … Continue reading

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Author Dr. Don Mead

The Presbyterian Church and Boycotts, Divestment, and Sanctions

For more than a hundred years now, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and its antecedent organizations have called for the use of economic pressures to challenge injustice, oppression, and other situations which they viewed as morally wrong. Examples include a call … Continue reading

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Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, Calls for an “Advent of Justice”

Article Originally Published by the Office of Public Witness Grace and peace to you this Advent season. During this time when we turn our attention and our hope toward Bethlehem and the Holy Land where the Prince of Peace was … Continue reading

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Separation Wall Graffiti, Photo by Madison Munoz

Boycott the Gaza Invasion this Thanksgiving

How not to shop while they drop—bombs By Chris Iosso, General Editor of Unbound   The grim truth about Israel’s current bombing of Gaza is that the U.S. government will do very little to limit the one-sided collective punishment or … Continue reading

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