Tag Archives: campaign finance

Call for Articles – Elections, Democracy, and Church in the Public Square

Election season is upon us once again. But this election promises to look unlike any other in U.S. history. As newspeople find their objectivity under great pressure, so all genuine non-profits may find it especially hard to be non-partisan. In … Continue reading

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Supersizing Wealth Speech and Downsizing Campaign Fairness: McCutcheon v. FEC

Two weeks ago, the Supreme Court continued its recent rollback of campaign finance law by declaring unconstitutional aggregate limits on political contributions. Aggregate limits place caps on the total sum a single donor can give to all candidates and certain … Continue reading

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photo of J. Herbert Nelson

Healing a Flawed Electoral System

Chris­t­ian Respon­si­bil­ity and Lessons from 2012 Healing A Flawed Electoral System from ACSWP on Vimeo. Video Produced by: the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy About: “Healing a Flawed Electoral System: Christian Responsibility and Lessons from 2012” is a 17+ … Continue reading

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corporations are not people

Taking Back Our Democracy

Responding to Citizens United and the Rise of Super PACs What are the critical threats to the ethical and effective functioning of democracy? In response to that question, the Rev. Dr. Chris Iosso wrote “Seven Sins Against Democracy: And What’s … Continue reading

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