Tag Archives: capitalism

Tax Justice Distilled

General Assembly Takes on Taxation in a Gilded Age “Tax Justice: A Christian Response to a New Gilded Age” provides Presbyterians with a framework for engaging in discussions about the large and growing concentration of income and wealth in U.S. … Continue reading

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Millennials, Communal Living, and the Fourfold Path

I continue to be impressed by how deeply the 2008 recession has impacted the faith of today’s 20-somethings, and I continue to be frustrated by how poorly institutional churches as a whole have responded to this exciting and game-changing generational … Continue reading

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Bearing Fruit Worthy of Repentance: A Sermon for Ash Wednesday

Texts: Isaiah 55:1-13 and Luke 3:1-22 Each time we gather for worship, the waters of our baptism are before us. In these waters, we are sealed in the new covenant of Jesus Christ. Our sins are washed away as we … Continue reading

Posted in Blogs, Carousel, Editor Ginna Bairby Unbound, Resources, Worship | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Climate, Culture, and a Call for New Environmental Leadership

This week’s mini-series is a collaborative effort with Ecclesio. Check out these and other articles at www.ecclesio.com. It’s been said by environmentalists from Al Gore to Daniel Quinn that a frog put in a pot of slowly heating water will not … Continue reading

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