Tag Archives: Chicago

More Than Just Calories: Feeding People at Cafe Pride

When I was in seminary, a guest speaker came to one of my classes to talk about vocation. He said, β€œIn one sentence, write down what kind of ministry you want to do.” I stared blankly at my paper. I … Continue reading

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Mapping the City

From Ministry Tourists to Pilgrims Maps have always fascinated me. As a child they allowed me to escape the confines of the urban landscape of Chicago’s southwest side. I loved learning to read maps, gleaning insight into faraway people and … Continue reading

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Seek the Welfare of the City Where I Have Sent You

In 2010, I decided to embark on a major life transition. I left my comfortable, full-time job, gave up my car, and moved. Why, you might be wondering? What adventure could I have possibly signed up for? Where would I … Continue reading

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See the Face of God in the City

One Sunday, after parking our car in the vacant lot across from the church where we worship, our family made our way around a make-shift memorial that had been set up the night before. 24 hours earlier, a vigil had … Continue reading

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