Tag Archives: Christian education

Let the Children Lead Us

In social justice and in Sunday school, we need to pay more attention to the lessons we can learn from kids. When I joined a volunteer committee to rework my church’s Sunday school policies, I was reminded of the recent … Continue reading

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In Praise of Summer Camp

In Praise of Summer Camp

The journey to faith in blue jeans and flip flops  Editor’s Note:  As youth, how do we enter a tradition that values the common good? What culture of inquiry, based in trust, leads to a sense of responsibility that goes … Continue reading

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Building Peace Ecumenically

Asking the Right Questions There are two fundamentally different ways to start. You can start by asking questions like, “What is the future of ecumenism in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)?” Or even “What does the future of institutionalized denominations hold?” … Continue reading

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Education and Formation: Personal and Public, Civic and Spiritual

A Closing Editorial Is the rise of polarized politics due—at least partly—to the decline of mainline Protestantism? And why do mainline Protestants see education as such an ethical value? This is an editorial reflection on a very rich issue and … Continue reading

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