Tag Archives: church witness

Emily Morgan

Dream, PC(USA)!

What is your dream for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Church Universal? By Emily Hope Morgan   I am convinced that the only real failure the church is experiencing today is a failure to dream. Have we become so … Continue reading

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collage of words such as povertym debt, and drought

Past and Present, The Church Speaks on Economic Matters and New Challenges

A General Assembly Policy Review with possible new applications of Reformed Christian Principles 2011 by Christian Iosso, Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy View article in PDF (optimal for printing)

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photo of a child

Living through Economic Crisis: The Church’s Witness in Troubled Times

View arti­cle in PDF (opti­mal for printing) A Social Involvement Report for the 219th General Assembly (2010) Executive Summary In a time of continuing/deep economic recession, our faith gives us strength to face unemployment, poverty, and anxiety—not simply as individuals, … Continue reading

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