Tag Archives: communion

Prayer for World Communion Sunday

From the earth comes grain and wine From the earth comes nourishment and quenching of thirstFrom creation comes your people, O God. From the trees comes the tableFrom the clay comes the plate and chalice From creation comes your people, … Continue reading

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Spiritus Contra Spiritum

From the Brokenness of Addiction to the Healing of Communion Read Chuck’s interview with James B. Nelson about his book Thirst: God and the Alcoholic Experience. An American – s/he could be any of us – discovers the proverbial magic … Continue reading

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Communion and Climate Change

This week’s mini-series is a collaborative effort with Ecclesio. Check out these and other articles at www.ecclesio.com. In our time of climate change, what does it mean to gather at the Table? Can our thanksgiving and intercession, our taking, blessing, … Continue reading

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