Tag Archives: community organizing

The Fast that God Has Chosen

Jones Town Baptist Church Lives the Isaiah 58 Ideal Wishing to cater to the whole family and the wider community, Rev. Doreen Wynter and her team at Jones Town Baptist (along with parent congregation Bethel Baptist) decided to think outside … Continue reading

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Introduction: To the Least of These…

Have you ever had a moment where you wondered ‘What am I here for?’ or tried to figure out how your congregation (or entire denomination) could better connect with the surrounding community? Maybe you even quit your job, closed your … Continue reading

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The Imitation of Christ in the Poor

Encountering the Tzeltal Christ I grew up as a son, grandson, and great grandson of missionaries. My grand parents and great grandparents were Presbyterians serving in India, and my parents served all over the world with Mercy Ships and YWAM … Continue reading

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See the Face of God in the City

One Sunday, after parking our car in the vacant lot across from the church where we worship, our family made our way around a make-shift memorial that had been set up the night before. 24 hours earlier, a vigil had … Continue reading

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