Tag Archives: community organizing

rob mark

Glimpses of Creative Resistance: Eco-Stewards

Eco-Stewards: a Christian community of young adults responding to God’s call through applied eco-stewardship. By Rob Mark   View and Print as PDF.   Sometimes, upon waking, the weight of a wounded planet is palpable. We are beset by extreme … Continue reading

Posted in Action Alerts, Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound, Current Issue | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments
chicago clean air campaign

Environment, Religion and Race

Lessons from Faith-Based Community Organizing for Eco-Justice in Chicago By Clare Butterfield, Director of Faith in Place   View and Print as PDF.   Anyone who follows the environmental movement, whether sympathetically or critically, can hardly miss that its principle … Continue reading

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strike debt

What’s Next in Faith Based Community Organizing: A Rolling Jubilee

Occupy Faith and partners are launching a Rolling Jubilee, a people’s bailout to help eliminate debt—and make a stand in the face of our moral crisis of money, debt, and power. Rolling Jubilee may signal an important, and long needed, … Continue reading

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photo of patrick heery with projection of Unbound at launch

One Year Since the Launch of Unbound

A Look Back at the Past Year, and a Look at What’s Next By Patrick David Heery, Managing Editor   One year ago today, we launched Unbound: An Interactive Journal of Christian Social Justice. One year. I’m not sure where … Continue reading

Posted in Action News, Former Editor Patrick Heery Unbound, Site News | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments