Tag Archives: community organizing

claremont school of theology

Seminary Students Stand with Undocumented Food Workers

Claremont School of Theology, California Taking the Bible Seriously By Nina Fernando, Wesley Menke, Samuel Pullen, and Chad Seagle   View and print as PDF.   We are students of the Bible. A living, pulsing Word. So when seventeen Pomona … Continue reading

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Princeton Seminary grounds crew and students

The Locavore Dilemma

Seminarians Become Justice Locavores When justice becomes as real as the incarcerated man sitting across from you, when justice becomes something we can touch, feel, then justice will be done… then we will find the time… then we will risk … Continue reading

Posted in Action News, Current Issue, Former Editor Patrick Heery Unbound, Seminary Students Unbound | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments
photo of emily morgan

A Prayer for Unbound

By Emily Morgan Recently I have been named as one of the first local organizers for Unbound. I believe strongly in Unbound’s mission that “examines, expresses, and provokes social justice as inspired by the prophetic gospel of Jesus Christ,” and I … Continue reading

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Jesus overturns moneychanging tables

Anger: A Principle for Faith and Organizing

By Katherine Chatelaine   Many of us are uncomfortable with anger, but seminary student, Katherine Chatelaine, says that anger is necessary for the Christian public life and for faith-based community organizing.   God is angry. God was angry in the … Continue reading

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