Tag Archives: community organizing

“This is What Theology Looks Like!”

Participation of Reformed Churches and Clergy in Demonstrations in Ferguson This essay is an excerpt from Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty’s contribution to Calvinism on the Peripheries: Religion and Civil Society in Europe, ed. by Ábrahám KOVÁCS, co-edited by Béla BARÁTH (Budapest: L’Harmattan, 2009), … Continue reading

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Call to Confession: Week 4

Call to Confession: Race, White Privilege, and the Church Week 4 Zapatito Blanco: Acknowledging Old Rules and Agreeing to New Ones, Anonymous A couple of weeks ago, I was supervising a children’s program at the community center where I work … Continue reading

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Called to be Angry

White Supremacy and the Church Last week, I once again found myself protesting in the streets of Chicago. Showing up to a demonstration organized by activists of color, I joined them chanting: “White Supremacy is the enemy. Shut it down! … Continue reading

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Late We Come? The Need for Unapologetic Affirmation that Black Lives Matter to the White Church

“We come to the march behind and with those amazingly able leaders of the Negro Americans who, to the shame of almost every white American, have alone and without us mirrored the suffering of the cross of Jesus Christ; they … Continue reading

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