Tag Archives: community organizing

Violence, Human Rights, and the Drug War in Mexico

Testimony by Ted Lewis before the PC(USA) Drug Policy Task Force, February 14, 2015. Watch testimony in minutes 2:15 – 14:10 of this video of Day 1 of the Richmond Hearings. I really appreciate this invitation to speak. My name … Continue reading

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Review of Daniel Hunter’s “Building a Movement to End the New Jim Crow: An Organizing Guide”

Reviewed resource available in print or to download at newjimcroworganizing.org Hunter builds on the work of Michelle Alexander’s book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. Alexander’s thesis is that the ‘War on Drugs’ was designed … Continue reading

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Leading My Own Fight for What Will Heal Me

Testimony by Dorsey Nunn before the PC(USA) Drug Policy Task Force, February 14, 2015. Watch testimony in minutes 20:50 – 31:20 of this video of Day 1 of the Richmond Hearings. I guess I’m the bad guy. I was raised … Continue reading

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Seek Ye First the Rat Park

The Rat Park In the mid-to-late twentieth century, scientists conducted a series of experiments on groups of rats. In the early experiments, the rats were housed in cramped, isolated cages where they received a regular supply of food, water, and … Continue reading

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