Tag Archives: creation

Climate, Culture, and a Call for New Environmental Leadership

This week’s mini-series is a collaborative effort with Ecclesio. Check out these and other articles at www.ecclesio.com. It’s been said by environmentalists from Al Gore to Daniel Quinn that a frog put in a pot of slowly heating water will not … Continue reading

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Unbinding Creation: Children of Dust, Children of God

This week’s mini-series is a collaborative effort with Ecclesio. Check out these and other articles at www.ecclesio.com. Climate change is a reality that simply cannot be denied any longer. 97% of scientists agree that the changes in earth’s temperatures and … Continue reading

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Author Charles Freeman

Borrowed Holy Land: The New Hymnal and Creation Justice

Images of nature and creation in hymnody are hardly new. The psalms, among the earliest songs of God’s people, are replete with images and celebrations of God’s good creation, and as ancient a text as Francis of Assissi’s “All Creatures … Continue reading

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Neddy Astudillo

Singing from Every Place, in Every Tongue, For Every Time

“Heaven is Singing for Joy / El Cielo Canta Alegria,” (#382) was written in 1958, but/and Glory to God is the first Presbyterian hymnal to include it. The notes below the hymn read as follows: “Written in 1958 for a … Continue reading

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