Tag Archives: Creation Justice Ministries

Keeping Our Lamps Burning

Faith in a Time of Climate Peril Within a song or hymn, one can often find insights into how to cope with setbacks and hardships. The old African-American spiritual “Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning” presents a dim reality: a … Continue reading

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Laudato Si’ and The Accra Confession in Conversation

In 2004, the World Alliance of Reformed Churches 24th General Council in Accra, Ghana, released The Accra Confession: Covenanting for Justice in the Economy and the Earth. The Accra Confession came out of more than a decade of global dialogues … Continue reading

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Climate and Church: How Global Climate Change Will Impact Core Church Ministries

The following resource is an excerpt from the complete Climate and Church resource, a product of the National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program – now Creation Justice Ministries. Though many understand the devastating impacts that climate change will have on … Continue reading

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Apocalypse How? Week 3

Apocalypse How? Climate Change, Eschatology, and Christian Responsibility Why a Carbon Tax?, Rev. Ray Roberts In Genesis 2:15 we hear God’s charge to the first human.“The LORD God took the human and settled him in the Garden of Eden to farm … Continue reading

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