Tag Archives: criminal justice

To Break the Shackles

Palestinian Children and Israeli Military Detention “A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be consoled, because they are no more.” –Matthew 2:18 Presbyterians affirm that the Holy Spirit gives … Continue reading

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For the Common Good of our ‘Whole Inhabited Earth’

Ecumenical Advocacy in our Nation’s Capitol When we at the Office of Public Witness step outside into the bustle of Capitol Hill, it is common to see packs of people with purple arm bands or orange neckties or yellow book … Continue reading

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Seek Ye First the Rat Park

The Rat Park In the mid-to-late twentieth century, scientists conducted a series of experiments on groups of rats. In the early experiments, the rats were housed in cramped, isolated cages where they received a regular supply of food, water, and … Continue reading

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The Power of Presence

She, like many others, had asked me about her case. Her rights as a parent were in danger of being terminated, and she wanted to get into a housing program before her approaching hearing. I explained to her that I … Continue reading

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