Tag Archives: death penalty

Thou Shalt Not Kill

Loving Even My Dad’s Killer A version of this text was originally delivered as testimony before the 223rd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in St. Louis, MO, in support of overture 11-02. I am overwhelmed with gratitude to … Continue reading

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Death Penalty Abolished in Maryland

  Church efforts underway in Delaware and elsewhere. Unbound is happy to report this week Maryland became the sixth state in six years to abolish the death penalty, according to notification from Amnesty International and then NPR. We encourage our readers to … Continue reading

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ITC Ministry Conference

A Seminary where the Students Are Still Marching

Interdenominational Theological Center Elyse Ambrose examines the strong history of commitment to justice that the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) has demonstrated and how that same enthusiasm exists in the ITC community today. She outlines the perspectives and justice concerns of … Continue reading

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photo of inmate's hands reaching out of prison bars and holding Bible

An Appeal to End the Death Penalty

Authored by theologian Dr. George Hunsinger, in the wake of Troy Davis’ execution on September 21, 2011, this petition appeals to Christians everywhere to remember our own state-executed Savior and to end the death penalty once and for all in the United States. Continue reading

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