Tag Archives: debt

“I Wanna Be Rich”

The Kingdom of God and the Myth of the American Dream I am the son of first-generation, working-class Korean immigrants. My family lived a difficult but fairly typical immigrant life: My parents went through many failed attempts at starting small … Continue reading

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Does the Church Need to Build Alternative Economies?

“For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.” -Luke 12:34 “Unfortunately, that is the cost of doing business in our world.” -A clergy colleague’s response to the church divesting from Wall Street In all my years in … Continue reading

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strike debt

What’s Next in Faith Based Community Organizing: A Rolling Jubilee

Occupy Faith and partners are launching a Rolling Jubilee, a people’s bailout to help eliminate debt—and make a stand in the face of our moral crisis of money, debt, and power. Rolling Jubilee may signal an important, and long needed, … Continue reading

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photo of hands clasped in prayer

The Divine Economy & A Theology of Debt

  September 22, 2011 by Rev. Dr. James A. Noel, San Francisco Theological Seminary/GTU   The following speech, now article, was presented at “Conference: Debits, Deficits and Doing the Right Thing” at Shiloh Church, 3295 School Street, Oakland, CA. View … Continue reading

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