Tag Archives: democracy

We Now Have Three Branches of Undemocratic Government

“Governments deriv[e] their just powers from the consent of the governed [and] whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it…” – The Declaration of Independence Although … Continue reading

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Unbound 2016 Highlights: 8 Awards From the Associated Church Press

As we announce these awards given by the Associated Church Press (ACP), we start with thanks to all contributors of articles to Unbound! We do not know all the principles used by ACP to select individual articles, but we treasure … Continue reading

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Unbound: The Election Issue

Elections, Democracy, and the Church in the Public Square Table of Contents Storytelling and Political Leadership, Dr. Eric Mount Hey Christians, Don’t Follow the Noise this Election Time, Dr. David P. Gushee “Be Sober and Watchful”: Activism and Public Discourse, Alexis … Continue reading

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ACSWP GA 2016 Carousel

For Love of Country

A Statement by ACSWP in Response to the US 2016 Elections* Grace and Peace in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, We write you at a time of great national tension. The recent campaign has exposed deep divisions in … Continue reading

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