Tag Archives: divestment

Renewing the Vision (GA Issue)

Issues of Social Justice before the 223rd General Assembly (St. Louis) The Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP) has six resolutions before the General Assembly this year. However, issues of social justice touch many other corners of the 223rd … Continue reading

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Renewing the Vision

Issues of Social Justice before the 223rd General Assembly (St. Louis) Summer 2018 The Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP) has six resolutions before the General Assembly this year. However, issues of social justice touch many other corners of … Continue reading

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Environmental Issues at GA 223

An Outline of Twelve Overtures. In 2018, business before the Environmental Issues Committee of the PC(USA) General Assembly includes: engagement with vs. divestment from fossil fuel polluters, environmental racism, carbon pricing, reducing the use of polystyrene, and adopting the “precautionary … Continue reading

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Breaking Down Walls: A Collaborative Response to Climate Change

Originally published on October 27, 2016 at http://www.fossilfreepcusablog.org/blog/breaking-down-walls-a-collaborative-response-to-climate-change Environmental advocates on all sides of the PC(USA)’s divestment debate at June’s General Assembly meeting were dismayed, if not depressed, by the outcome. We entered the week with one widely supported overture … Continue reading

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