Tag Archives: divestment

Sandra Tamari, right, at the 2012 United Methodist General Conference, alongside Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb

The Divestment Debate: You’re Invited

Should the church con­tinue invest­ing in com­pa­nies “prof­it­ing from non-peaceful activ­i­ties in Israel-Palestine”? It is a hotly debated question. Two weeks ago, Unbound explored that question through a series of three articles leading up to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General … Continue reading

Posted in Action News, Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound, Former Editor Patrick Heery Unbound | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments
palestine wall

Divestment and Obstacles to Positive Investment in Palestine

  Unbound editorial by Rev. Chris Iosso, Ph.D., summarizing the arguments for divestment   Next week, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assembly will vote on whether or not to divest from companies (Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard, and Motorola Solutions) profiting from non-peaceful … Continue reading

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Sandra Tamari, right, at the 2012 United Methodist General Conference, alongside Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb

Israel targets Palestinian-American human rights activist for deportation

By John Wagner, Convener of United Methodist Kairos Response   The following article comes to Unbound in response to our recent coverage of the divestment debate, brought before the United Methodist General Conference earlier in May and coming before the … Continue reading

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hands united

Opting for Boycott

Adapting Advice and Counsel Memoranda from the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy*   By the Editors of Unbound, Patrick Heery and Chris Iosso, as guest directors of Ecclesio   The choice to boycott may seem drastic. But to the … Continue reading

Posted in Action Alerts, Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound, Former Editor Patrick Heery Unbound | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment