Tag Archives: divestment

The Presbyterian Pre-Occupation with the Occupation of Palestine

Construing and Misconstruing the “Divestment” Vote The Middle East is full of bad news these days. Whether the Presbyterian vote to divest from three U.S. corporations “engaged in non-peaceful pursuits in Israel/Palestine” at their recent 221st General Assembly is more … Continue reading

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The Road to Detroit

Issues of Social Justice Before the 221st General Assembly Introduction: When You Have a Dog in the Fight: Reflections on an Ethical Dilemma, Gene TeSelle Why in the World Are Presbyterians Taking a Stand on Drones When Nobody Cares and … Continue reading

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A Time for Tough Love for Israeli Brothers and Sisters

To divest or not to divest? Now that the vote on marriage is over, it’s the elephant in the room. To be clear, I will likely offend some people with what I have to say, so I must state that … Continue reading

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Fossil Free PCUSA: Why We Are Called to Divest

As I write, the Presbyterian Church (USA) finds itself in a strange place, at an important juncture. Even as our denomination has affirmed our call to care for creation, we continue to profit significantly from fossil fuel companies. In November … Continue reading

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