Tag Archives: divestment

Divestment is an Investment in Love, Peace, and Justice

Introduction The Presbyterian Church (USA) has been engaged in a decade-long struggle to divest from companies that are profiting from the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip. After an extensive corporate engagement process, the Committee … Continue reading

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“The HP Way”: When Profits and Human Rights Clash

For the last two years I have attended Hewlett-Packard’s (HP) March shareholders meeting in Mountain View, CA, and I have asked HP’s Senior Vice President and Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer, Ashley Watson, for an example of how HP’s ethical … Continue reading

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When You Have a Dog in the Fight

Reflections on an Ethical Dilemma Looking Back as We Prepare to Move Forward As we approach the 221st General Assembly of the PC(USA), we prepare for a longstanding controversy to come back to the floor — divestment from Caterpillar because … Continue reading

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From Mandela to Barghouti: Nonviolent Lessons for Democracy and Divestment

Background for MRTI’s recommendations from Tilton, Boesak, Zunes, and Wall Reflecting back on the past year, it can be easy to become discouraged, for 2013 has been a year of great violence and bloodshed. 2013 brought us tragedies from the Boston … Continue reading

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