Tag Archives: drones

Who Really Cares About Drones? This Presbyterian Does!

Editor’s Note: A few months ago, Presbyterian blogger Jan Edmiston wrote a post on her blog, achurchforstarvingartists.wordpress.com, entitled “Denominational Political Stands (& Who Really Cares?).” Edmiston raised an honest and important question, one that is perhaps especially on our mind … Continue reading

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Why in the World Are Presbyterians Taking A Stand on Drones When Nobody Cares and We Won’t All Agree?

A Response to Jan Edmiston Editor’s Note: A few months ago, Presbyterian blogger Jan Edmiston wrote a post on her blog, achurchforstarvingartists.wordpress.com, entitled “Denominational Political Stands (& Who Really Cares?).” Edmiston raised an honest and important question, one that is … Continue reading

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It’s Not a Game, It’s ‘Just War’

A Review of Ender’s Game Director and screenwriter Gavin Hood‘s stunning Ender’s Game comments on many of the crucial ethical issues of our time, much like its source material, the eponymous 1985 novel. The author, Orson Scott Card, who served … Continue reading

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THE SHADOW OF DRONES AND THE CLAIMS OF JUSTICE: A Response to the President’s Counter-terrorism speech and amended policy. By Christian Iosso On Thursday, May 23, President Obama changed and made more explicit the policies guiding his administration’s strategy of … Continue reading

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